Source code for saberx.sabercore.triggers.memoryhandler

.. module:: memoryhandler
   :synopsis: Module for performing the memory trigger operation.

import os
import psutil

[docs]class MemoryHandler: """ **Class for handling memory trigger operation** """ @staticmethod def __operate(current, count, operator): """ **Method for comparing given count with current memory metric value.** This method takes the current value and the threshold for memory metric and performs the desired operation. Args: current (Float) : Current value of memory metric count (Float) : Given value operator (string) : Given operator Returns: bool : Opeartion returned true or false """ return { '=': lambda current, count: current == count, '<': lambda current, count: current < count, '>': lambda current, count: current > count, '<=': lambda current, count: current <= count, '>=': lambda current, count: current >= count }.get(operator)(current, count)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mem_type(check): """ **Method for getting metric type from trigger check** This method accepts the check type and returns the desired method to get the value of the metric specified in type. Args: check (string): Type of check : virtial | swap Returns: psutil method : psutl method to get virtual or swap memory values. """ MEM_TYPES = { "virtual": psutil.virtual_memory, "swap": psutil.swap_memory } return MEM_TYPES.get(check)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_mem(**kwargs): """ **Method to perform the memory operation** This method accpets the trigger attributes, performs the specified operation and returns the trigger status. Args: kwargs (dict): Contains all check attributes Returns: bool : trigger status - fire or not """ check_type = kwargs.get("check_type") attr = kwargs.get("attr") threshold = kwargs.get("threshold") operator = kwargs.get("operation") check = MemoryHandler.get_mem_type(check_type) metrics = check() attr_val = getattr(metrics, attr) check_result = MemoryHandler.__operate(attr_val, threshold, operator) return check_result, None
if __name__ == "__main__": print (MemoryHandler.check_mem(check_type="swap", attr="free", threshold=1, operator=">"))